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Madeline Stenersen, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Courses Taught

Undergraduate: Abnormal Psychology


Postdoctoral Fellowship – Yale University School of Medicine, Division of Prevention and Community Research

Ph.D. University of Memphis

M.S. Marquette University

B.S. University of Northern Iowa

Research Interests

Professor Stenersen’s research focuses on individual- and system-level approaches to promoting health equity and wellbeing among marginalized populations with a specific emphasis on the intersection of criminal justice, LGBTQ+ communities, and individuals involved in sex trade. Within these areas, she uses both community-based and big data methods to 1) identify disparities in societal and treatment services, 2) develop, implement, and evaluate culturally informed interventions to address these disparities, and 3) conduct participatory program evaluation of existing system-level interventions. For example, her work has involved examination of large nationwide datasets to understand a) police violence against transgender individuals and sex workers and b) intersectional disparities in substance use treatment. Stenersen’s community-based work involves partnerships with multiple organizations in the United States and abroad to understand and combat discrimination and violence.

Labs and Facilities

Professor Stenersen will be accepting students for her lab for Fall 2024.

Publications and Media Placements

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Stenersen, M., Thomas, K. & McKee, S. (2022). Police and transgender and gender diverse people: A brief note on interaction, harassment, and violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
  • Struble, C., Thomas, K., Stenersen, M., Moore, K., Burke, C. & McKee, S. (2022). Sexual minority disparities in opioid and benzodiazepine use among adults with alcohol use disorder. Submitted to American Journal of Addictions. Advance online publication.
  • Stenersen, M., Thomas, K., Struble, C., Burke, C., Moore, K. & McKee, S. (2021). Disparities in the role of self-help groups on substance use treatment outcomes for opioid use: An intersectional analysis of race, ethnicity, and sex. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Advanced online publication.
  • Stenersen, M., Kelly, A., Bracey, J., Marshall, T., Cummins, M., Clark, K., & Kaufman, J. (2021). Understanding racial and ethnic disparities in a system of care for youth and families with emotional and behavioral disorders. Psychiatric Services. Advance online publication.
  • Marks, L.R., Stenersen, M., Adams, K., Lattimore, D., & Lee B.C. (2021). Racial microaggressions and depression in Black college students: Examining ethnic identity as a moderator. Submitted to Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. Advance online publication.
  • Kanamori, Y., Fossett, S., Schimmel-Bristow, A., Stenersen, M., Bullard, M., & Cornelius-White, J.H.D.(2021). Transgender attitudes and beliefs scale (TABS): Validation with a sample of self-identified Christians. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture. Advance online publication.https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2021.1953970
  • Marks, L.R., Stenersen, M., Coleman, M., & Sanders, S. (2021).  The status of health psychology in Jamaica:  A qualitative analysis.  Counseling Psychology Quarterly. Advanced online publication.
  • Stenersen, M., & Ovrebo, E. (2020). The development and validation of the Attitudes Towards Individuals who Sell Sex Inventory. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 30(7), 843-862.
  • Stenersen, M., Hayes, L.*, Adams, K.,* & Ovrebo, E. (2020).  The influence of gender and customer status on foreigners’ perspectives of individuals who sell sex in Thailand. Gender Issues, 38, 260-283.
  • Stenersen, M., Ovrebo, E., Adams, K. L.*, & Hayes, L. R.* (2020). Foreigners’ attitudes toward individuals who sell sex in Thailand: A prototype study. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 9(2), 131–144.
  • Pederson, A., Stenersen, M., & Bridges, S. (2019). Towards affirming therapy:  What sex workers want and need from mental health providers.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022167819867767
Other Publications and Community Reports
  • Davis, J., Stenersen, M., Miles, G. & Urban Light Thailand (2022). “Tell them what happened to me”: An exploration of the online and offline sexual exploitation of boys and young men in Thailand. World Childhood Foundation: New York, NY, USA.