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Terri L. Weaver, Ph.D.

Professor, Clinical Program
Department of Psychology

Courses Taught

Psychopathology; Psychology of Trauma; Clinical Vertical Team; Research Vertical Team; Undergraduate Clinical and Research Practica.


Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
B.S., University of Florida

Clinical Internship  

Medical University of South Carolina/Charleston VAMC Consortium


Postdoctoral Fellowship

National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, Medical University of South Carolina

Research Interests

Weaver's work broadly focuses on the inter-relationships among stressful life events, particularly interpersonal violence, and physical and mental health sequelae. This research frequently draws from interdisciplinary research and forges collaborations with healthcare professionals. Weaver's research lens is trauma informed, and she is particularly interested in studying posttraumatic stress disorder, body image disturbance, and depression as mental health outcomes.

Labs and Facilities

Professor Weaver is not accepting applications this year. 

Publications and Media Placements


Weaver, T. L., Elrod, N., & Kelton, K. (in press). Intimate partner violence and body shame: An examination between experiences of abuse and body-focused processes. Violence Against Women.

Jaques, M. L., Weaver, T. L., Weaver, N. & Willoughby, L. (2018). The Association Between Pediatric Injury Risks and Parenting Behaviors. Child: Care, Health and Development. 44, 297-303.

van den Berk-Clark, Weaver, T. L. & Schneider, D. (2018). Three types of intimate relationships among individuals with chronic pain and a history of trauma exposure. Healthcare, 5 (4), 68.

Perry, J. E., Ross, M. J., Weinstock, J., & Weaver, T. L. (2017). Efficacy of a brief mindfulness intervention to enhance athletic task performance: The Sport Psychologist, 31 (4), 410-421.

Bosch, J., Weaver, T. L., Neylan, T., Herbst, E. & McCaslin, S. (2017). The Impact of Engagement in Exercise on Sleep and PTSD Symptoms Among OEF/OIF/OND Veterans. Military Medicine, 182(9), e1745-e1750. doi:10.7205/milmed-d-16-00385.

Bosch, J., Weaver, T. L., Arnold, L. D., & Clark, E. M. (2017). The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Women’s Physical Health: findings from the Missouri Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey. Journal of interpersonal violence, 32 (22), 3402-3419. doi: 10.1177/0886260515599162

Weaver, N. L., Weaver, T. L., Nicks, S. E., Jupka, K. A., Sallee, H., Jacobsen, H., & Henley, W. (2017). Developing Tailored Positive Parenting Messages for a Clinic-Based Communication Program. Child: Care, Health and Development, 23, 289-297. doi: 10.1111/cch.12418.

Weaver, T.L., Gilbert, L. El-Bassel, N., Resnick, H. S., & Noursi, S.  (2015).  
Identifying and Intervening with Substance-Using Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Phenomenology, Co-Morbidities and Integrated Approaches within Primary Care and other Agency
Settings.  Journal of women's health, 24, 51-56.  doi .10.1089/jwh.2014.4866

Weaver, T. L., Griffin, M. G., & Mitchell, E. R. (2014).  Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and body image distress in female victims of physical and sexual assault:  Exploring integrated responses.  Healthcare for Women International 35 (4), 458-475. doi.10.1080/07399332.2013.858162
Weaver, T. L., Walter, K. H., Chard, K. M. & Bosch, J.  (2014).  Residual Injury, Appearance-related Concerns, Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression within a Treatment-Seeking Veteran Sample.  Military Medicine. 179 (10), 1067-1071.

Weaver, T. L.  & Resick, P. (2014).  Injury dimensions in female victims of intimate partner violence:  Expanding the Examination of associations with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder.  Psychological trauma:  Theory, research, practice, and policy, 6 (6), 683-690.

Wenzel, K. R., Weinstock, J., Vander Wal, J. S., & Weaver, T. L.  (2014).  Examining the Role of Negative Urgency in a Predictive Model of Bulimic Symptoms.  Eating Behaviors, 15 (3) 343-349.  doi 

Osei-Bonsu, P. E., Weaver. T. L., Eisen, S. V., & Vander Wal, J. S. (2011). Posttraumatic growth inventory: Factor structure in the context of DSM-IV traumatic events. ISN Psychiatry, 2012, 9 pages, doi:10.5402/2012/937582.

Bagley, S. L., Weaver, T. L., & Buchanan, T. W. (2011). Sex differences in physiological and affective responses to stress in remitted depression. Physiology and Behavior, 104, 180-186.

Del Gaizo, A. L., Elhai, J. D., & Weaver, T. L. (2011). Posttraumatic stress disorder, poor physical health and health-risk behaviors. Psychiatry Research, 188, 390-395.

Weaver, T. L. (2009). Impact of rape on female sexuality: Review of selected literature. Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 52 (4), 702-710.

Wilson, S. L. & Weaver, T. L. (2009). Brief Note: Follow-Up of developmental attainment and behavioral adjustment for toddlers adopted internationally into the USA. International Social Work Journal, 52 (5), 679-684.

ÄŒajdrić, A. & Weaver, T.L. (2009) Exploring the meaning of cigarette smoking in a sample of resettled Bosnian refugees. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 8, 1-14.

Weaver, T.L., Sanders, C. L., Schnabel, M., & Campbell, C. L. (2009). Development and Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Domestic Violence-Related Financial Issues Scale (DV-FI). Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24, 569-585.

Mechanic, M. B., Weaver, T. L., & Resick (2008). Risk factors for physical injury among help-seeking battered women: An exploration of multiple dimensions. Violence against Women, 14 (10), 1148-1165

Mechanic, M. B., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (2008). Mental health consequences of intimate partner abuse: A multidimensional assessment of four different forms of abuse. Violence against Women, 14, 634-654.

Weaver, T. L., Cajdric, A., & Jackson, E. R. (2008). Smoking Patterns within a Primary Care Sample of Resettled Bosnian Refugees. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 10, 1557-1912.

Wilson, S. L., Weaver, T. L., Cradock, M., M., Kuebli, J. E., (2008). A Preliminary Study of the Cognitive and Motor Skills Acquisition of Young International Adoptees. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 585-596.

Sanders, C. K., Weaver, T. L., & Schnabel, M. (2007). Economic Education for Battered Women: An Evaluation of Outcomes. Affilia, 22, 240-254.

Weaver, T. L., Allen, J. A., Hopper, E., Maglione, M. L. McLaughlin, D., McCullough, M. A., Jackson, K., et al. (2007). Mediators of a wish to die within a sheltered sample of raped and battered women. Health Care for Women International, 28, 1-12.

Weaver, T. L., Resnick, H. S., Kokoska, M. S., & Etzel, J.C. (2007). Injury, Pain, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Body Image: Examining the associations within a sample of female victims of intimate partner violence. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20 (6), 999-1008.

Weaver, T. L, Turner, P., Thayer, C., Schwarze, N., & Sand, S. (2007). Psychological meanings of residual injuries. Women and Health: A multidisciplinary journal of women's health issues, 45, 85-102.

Hughes, H. M., Humphrey, N. & Weaver, T. L. (2005). Advances in violence and trauma: Toward comprehensive ecological models. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20 (1), 31-38.

Weaver, T. L., & Resnick, H. S. (2004). Toward Developing Complex Multivariate Models for Examining the Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)-Physical Health Relationship: Commentary on "Physical Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence" by Stacey Plichta, Sc.D.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19 (11), 1342-1349.

Weaver, T. L., Chard, K. M., Mechanic, M. B., & Etzel, J. C. (2004). Self-injurious behaviors, PTSD arousal and general health complaints within a treatment-seeking sample of sexually abused women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19 (5), 558-575.

Weaver, T. L., & Etzel, J. C. (2003). Smoking patterns, symptoms of PTSD and depression: Preliminary findings from a sample of severely battered women. Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1665-1679.

Nishith, P., Griffin, M. G., & Weaver, T. L. (2002). Utility of the heart rate response as an index of emotional processing in a female rape victim with posttraumatic stress disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9(4), 302-307.

Resick, P. A., Nishith, P., Weaver, T. L., Astin, M. C., & Feurer, C. A. (2002). A comparison of cognitive processing therapy, prolonged exposure, and a waiting condition for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in female rape victims. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(4), 867-879.

Resnick, H. S., Monnier, J., Seals, B., Holmes, M., Nayak, M., Walsh, J., Weaver, T. L. et al. (2002). Rape-related HIV risk concerns among recent rape victims. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17 (7), 746- 759.

Cason, D. R., Resick, P. A., & Weaver, T. L. (2001). Integrating traumatic events: Three views of schematic processing. Clinical Psychology Review, 22 (1), 131-153.

Attala, J. M., Weaver, T. L., Duckett, D., & Draper, V. (2000). The implications of domestic violence for home care providers. International Journal of Trauma Nursing, 6 (2), 48-53.

Mechanic, M. B., Uhlmansiek, M. H., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (2000). The impact of severe stalking experienced by acutely battered women: An examination of violence, psychological symptoms and strategic responding. Violence and Victims, 15 (4), 443-458.

Mechanic, M. B., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (2000). Intimate partner violence and stalking behavior: Exploration of patterns and correlates in a sample of acutely battered women. Violence and Victims, 15 (1), 55-72.

Weaver, T. L., Nishith, P., & Resick, P. A. (1998). Prolonged exposure therapy and irritable bowel syndrome: A case study examining the impact of a treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on a physical condition. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 5, 103-122.

Clum, G. A., & Weaver, T. L. (1997). Diagnostic morbidity and its relationship to severity of ideation for a nonpsychiatric sample of chronic and severe suicide ideators. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 19 (3), 191-206.

Chard, K. M., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (1997). Adapting cognitive processing therapy for work with survivors of child sexual abuse. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 4, 31-52.

Attala, J. M., Weaver, T. L, Duckett, D., & Draper, V. (1999). Prevalence of injuries and health related issues at a battered women's shelter: Implications for home care providers. Home Care Provider, 4 (3), 116-120.

Weaver, T. L. (1998). Method variance and sensitivity of screening for traumatic stressors.Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11 (1), 181-185.

Weaver, T. L., & Clum, G. A. (1995). Psychological distress associated with interpersonal violence: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 15(2), 115-140.

Weaver, T. L. & Clum, G. A. (1996). Interpersonal violence: Expanding the search for long-term sequelae within a sample of battered women. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 9 (4), 783-803.Weaver, T. L., & Clum, G. A. (1993). Early family environments and traumatic experiences associated with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61 (3), 1068-1075.

Book Chapters
Mechanic, M. B., Uhlmansiek, M. H., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (2002). The impact of severe stalking experienced by acutely battered women: An examination of violence, psychological symptoms and strategic responding. In K.E. Davis (Ed.), et al., Stalking: Perspectives on victims and perpetrators (pp. 89-111). New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Mechanic, M. B., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (2002). Intimate partner violence and stalking behavior: Exploration of patterns and correlates in a sample of acutely battered women. In K.E. Davis (Ed.), et al., Stalking: Perspectives on victims and perpetrators (pp. 62-88). New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Nishith, P., Weaver, T. L., Resick, P. A., & Uhlmansiek, M. (1999). General memory functioning at pre- and post-treatment in female rape victims with posttraumatic stress disorder. In L. Williams & V. Banyard (Eds.), Trauma and Memory (pp. 47-55). Newbury Park: Sage.

Weaver, T. L., Chard, K. M., & Resick, P.A. (1998). Issues in Treating Rape and Sexual Assault. In N. Tarrier, A. Wells & G. Haddock (Eds.), Treating complex cases: The CBT approach (pp. 377-398). London: John Wiley and Sons.

Weaver, T. L., Resnick, H. S., Glynn, S. M., & Foy, D. W. (1999). Behavior therapy. In M. Hersen & A. S. Bellack (Eds.), Handbook of comparative interventions for adult disorders: Prescriptive treatment and managed care (2nd ed., pp. 433-461). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Weaver, T. L., Kilpatrick, D. G., Resnick, H. S., Best, C. L., & Saunders, B. E. (1997). An examination of physical assault and childhood victimization within a national probability sample of women. In G. Kaufman-Kantor & J. L. Jasinski (Eds.), Out of the Darkness: Contemporary Research Perspectives on Family Violence (pp. 35-46). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Honors and Awards
