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Billiken Beginnings

You don鈥檛 have to figure out Saint Louis University on your own. 色搜视频 Billiken Beginnings is here to help. Billiken Beginnings is a workshop series designed to offer support during the first eight weeks of the fall semester at Saint Louis University. Highlighting a different challenge each week, this workshop helps students start the semester on a strong note.

Three new freshman students sitting in the stands at Chaifetz Arena at convocation

The transition to college doesn鈥檛 end with Fall Welcome. It can take time to adjust to new classes, find a new routine, meet new friends and make SLU feel like your second home. 

Billiken Beginnings is a workshop series designed to offer support during the first eight weeks of the fall semester at Saint Louis University. Highlighting a different challenge each week, we鈥檙e here to help you start the semester on a strong note.

  • Feeling unsure about how to be successful in college?
    We鈥檒l help you sharpen the skills needed to adapt to life at SLU, in and out of the classroom. 
  • Can鈥檛 remember which office to contact for which questions?
    Friendly folks from campus offices will provide a refresher on their resources and how they can help you during your time at SLU. 
  • Want to hear from someone who鈥檚 been where you are?
    SLU students will discuss their first year of college and what worked, and didn鈥檛 work, for them. 
  • Like winning prizes?
    We鈥檒l give away an attendance prize at each session! Plus, if you attend four or more sessions, you鈥檒l be entered into our grand prize drawing. 

Billiken Beginnings Workshop Schedule

Fall 2024 sessions will be held on Mondays, from 5-6 p.m., in Ritter 327. 

Sept. 9: Habits for Academic Success

Those first tests are just around the corner. We鈥檒l discuss study strategies to help you tackle college coursework. Plus, you鈥檒l learn how to utilize resources like tutoring, supplemental instruction, University Writing Services and Student Success Coaching.

Sept. 16: Managing Your Time

You鈥檝e got a lot on your plate. We鈥檒l explore options for creating a study plan and tools to stay organized.

Sept. 23: Getting Involved and Coping with Homesickness

It鈥檚 completely normal to miss your family, friends and home. We鈥檒l talk about ways that you can begin to settle into campus life, and we鈥檒l discover various opportunities to get involved at SLU.

Sept. 30: Holistic Wellness - Mind, Body, Spirit

You have to be well to do well. We鈥檒l learn about ways to incorporate self-care into your days and about resources on campus to support your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Oct. 7: Career and Major Exploration

It鈥檚 never too early to plan for the future. We'll find out how you can build experiences to help you explore your major and prepare for the job market.

Oct. 14: Building Resiliency

There will be bumps in the road, and that鈥檚 okay. We鈥檒l discuss what to do when you face challenges and how to bounce back stronger.

Each workshop will feature: 

  • Strategies for success
  • Information from campus offices
  • Advice from peers
  • Time for goal-setting
  • Attendance prizes

If you have questions about the workshop series, please contact Emily Tuttle at success.coaching@slu.edu