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Crisis Support and Warning Signs

Crisis services are designed to help SLU-Madrid students experiencing a crisis or mental health emergency. Saint Louis University — Madrid students who present high-risk needs, behaviors, and/or suicidal/homicidal thoughts can meet with one of our counselors for a crisis-support session.  

If you or someone you know is having trouble coping with stressful events, we are here to provide support. During business hours, contact us by phone at (+34) 91 554 58 58 - ext. 230, or visit us at the Counseling Center (Padre Rubio Hall, 104). If you would like to speak with a counselor about a nonurgent matter, please fill out to make an appointment.

After-Hours Crisis Support 

Outside of normal business hours, including weekends and holidays, students in crisis have several options: 

  • Call 112 immediately if you are facing a life-threatening emergency.
  • For a mental health crisis, call the Counseling Emergency Phone: (+34) 609 269 323. An English-speaking, qualified mental health professional will help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • For all emergencies that are not related to mental health, you may call (+34) 638 763 758.

Additional After-Hours Resources 

Resources in Spain

These resources are in Spanish unless stated otherwise.

  • Spanish Suicide Prevention Line: 024.
  • Suicide, crisis and support line (El Teléfono de la Esperanza): call 902 500 002 or go (Spanish only).
  • Report gender violence: call 016 or 900 116 016.
  • To report anti-LGBTQ+ bias and hate crimes: call 028 (Available in multiple languages).
  • Samaritans in Spain: English-language helpline offering free support — available by calling 900 525 100 or .
  • (Ministry of Health) — provides information, links, and advice for those struggling with substance abuse problems (in Spanish).
  • (The Spanish Association for Mutual Help against Phobia and Anxiety Disorders) — offers mutual support groups.
  • FELGTB: umbrella group for more than 50 LGBTQ+ organizations in Spain. Find out more .
  • COGAM (LGBT collective of Madrid): support groups, resources, counselors, sexologists. More information .
  • (Alcoholics Anonymous) — has support groups all over the country. Find English-speaking meetings at
  • (drug addiction support) — provides a support hotline (900 161 515) and consultation service.
  • (Narcotics Anonymous) — offers a support hotline (+34) 952 85 85 22 and online support (in Spanish).

Resources Based in the U.S.

These resources are in English unless stated otherwise. 

  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: (+1) 988
  • Behavioral Health Response (BHR): (+1) 314-469-6644 or (+1) 800-811-4760
  • SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital: (+1) 314-577-8000
  • Life Crisis Services: (+1) 314-647-4357
  • National Hopeline Hotline (English and Spanish): (+1) 800-784-2433
  • First Call for Help Hotline (English and Spanish): (+1) 800-492-0618
  • The Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ support): (+1) 866-488-7386
  • BlackLine (Black, Black LGBTQI, Brown, Native and Muslim community): (+1) 800- 604-5841
  • TransLifeline: (+1) 877-565-8860

For Those Concerned About a Student in Distress

If you work or study on campus, you might encounter a student with mental health needs. You can take steps to assist and refer them to helpful resources. 

Step 1: Identify the Warning Signs

Sometimes the best way to help is by recognizing the signs and symptoms of someone needing help. Not everyone will directly state something is wrong, but language and behaviors often do. Look for changes in the following areas:

Troubling Communications

  • Intends to harm self or someone else.
  • Expresses a hopeless or negative outlook.
  • Blames self or others for mood/behavior.
  • Speaks in a confused or disorganized way.

Major Changes in Mood or Behavior

  • Appears agitated, depressed, "checked-out," uptight or on edge.
  • Neglects personal hygiene or appearance.
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Significant weight gain or loss.
  • Increased sleep or inability to sleep nearly every day.
  • Decreased ability to concentrate.


  • Shows up for an event or class but leaves early.
  • Makes excuses to avoid social opportunities.
  • Doesn't seem to connect with others.
  • Skips class frequently.
  • Stays in room or bed all day.
  • Avoids eye contact.
Step 2: Listen

Don't be afraid to ask, "What's wrong?" or "What's going on?" Simply asking the question won't create a problem where there isn't one. Don't underestimate the importance of listening. Without doing anything else, you are providing the support that could help a student feel heard and understood, maybe for the first time. Face-to-face communication is best when possible, but any (e.g., email, text) communication is better than none. 

  • Be attentive.
  • Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal language.
  • Convey an accepting attitude (e.g., try not to judge or dismiss the person).
Step 3: Communicate Concern

Express concern in a calm, non-judgmental way. Provide words of empathy and normalize their difficulties. Let the student know that you are present for them and that you will help connect them with the proper support. Allow them space and time to share their feelings without telling them to "stop crying" or that "this isn't a big deal".  Instead use phrases such as, "It is okay for you to share and express your feelings," "I can see that you are having a difficult time," or "I am concerned about you and sense that you might need some additional support." 

Step 4: Ask for a Student Care Check

Struggling with normal life events does not always require counseling. However, if the situation is causing a severe reaction (e.g., the student seems to be spiraling downward or not functioning well) or it has been ongoing for more than a week or two, then a referral to counseling may be appropriate. If you are unsure if a student needs extra support, consider referring them to the Counseling Center or requesting a student care check. 

When Should I Report a Concern or Ask for a Student Care Check? 

Review the warning signs above to determine if any apply to the student. Trust your intuition, even if there are no identifiable signs. 

If you have immediate concerns about a student's safety, such as you think they might cause harm to themselves or others, stay with the student and call us: (+34) 91 554 58 58, ext.: 230.

If it is not a life-threatening situation but you are still concerned, you may ask for a student care check by emailing us.

Apps for Mental Health Support 

Apps shouldn't be used to replace mental health treatment but can be used in conjunction with other campus resources. These suggested electronic resources can help you develop better coping skills, process stressful situations, and improve general focus and attention.



Mindfulness and meditation to bring clarity, joy and peace.

Calm Harm

Calm Harm

Helps manage the urge to self-harm.

CBT Thought Diary

CBT Thought Diary

Mood Tracker and cognitive behavioral journal.



Choose from guided meditations on everything from managing stress and everyday anxiety to sleep, focus and mind-body health.

Meditation Studio

Meditation Studio

A collection of guided meditations.

PTSD Coach

PTSD Coach

Intended for use by veterans, military and civilians experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.



Sleep sounds, relaxing melodies and customization available.



Helps users understand and manage anxiety.

Virtual Hope Box

Virtual Hope Box

Coping, relaxation, distraction and positive thinking.



Overcome anxiety and nervousness related to social situations with short 5-10 minute sessions.

Meyo Bienestar Emocional

Meyo Bienestar Emocional

Calma y disminuye la ansiedad y te enseña a mejorar tu estado de ánimo.

Petit Bambou

Petit BamBou: ²Ñ±ð»å¾±³Ù²¹³¦¾±Ã³²Ô

Entrena tu mente con la meditación para ser consciente del aquí y el ahora. 


DailyBean: Diario más sencillo

Opción para hacer moodtracking en castellano.